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Dave Thomas

Profession: Education Counselor (FWCS) –
Business Owner (Health Hut Wellness Center)

One fact we don’t know about you: 1984 and 1985 State Triple Jump Champion – Weir High School - Weir, Mississippi

Why is it important to be a positive influence in our community?Influence with community participation comes empowerment. When people feel empowered, they feel a sense of control enabling them to influence positive change. It is about making a difference to a group that matters to its members.

What words of wisdom would you offer to a young black male? Know thyself above everything! True wisdom is knowing what you do not know. So an essential part of knowing yourself must be recognizing the limits of your own wisdom and understanding—knowing what you do genuinely know and knowing what you have yet to learn.  People who display such an ability understand themselves and know who they are. They evaluate others more accurately and therefore make more allowances for others limitations.

Dr. Wayne Walker, DDS

Profession: Dentist

One fact we don’t know about you: My biggest joy to date is being called Papa by Aria and Cole.

Why is it important to be a positive influence in our community?
It’s important for me to be a positive influence in our community because our community needs positive influences to be strong and to prosper. I’m sure any positivity attributed to me has a lot to do with how I was raised. My parents instilled in me basic principles of right and wrong. I’ve attempted to live my life on the side of right. In doing so, I hope when viewed by others, I’m considered to be someone who has done good deeds and service to help our community.

What words of wisdom would you offer to a young black male?
Not very many generations can understand the plight of a young black man as my generation has. We’ve lived through the many struggles of being African American from the 1950’s until now. As we look back over the years, we’ve seen positive changes, but we now see too being black has been a death sentence way too often. I would encourage young African-American males to do things in their lives to make their families proud, allow their natural and acquired abilities to shine inward and outward, and to help build a better community for them and those we live with.

John Key

Profession: Director for Elementary Education, Fort Wayne Community Schools

One fact we don’t know about you: I like fast cars and motorcycles… the louder, the better!

Why is it important to be a positive influence in our community?It’s critical that children and young adults have access to positive role models, so that they can start to envision possibilities for themselves.

What words of wisdom would you offer to a young black male?
There will be a number of challenges over the course of your life that may seem daunting and overwhelming!  Through perseverance you can overcome them and reach your desired outcomes!

Mark Ali Muhammad

Profession: Entrepreneur

One fact we don’t know about you: My father's family tree roots are from Native America & Black people from Paulding Ohio and my mother's family tree roots are from Native Americans & Black people from West Virginia.

Why is it important to be a positive influence in our community?
I believe it is important to be a positive influence in our community for the advancement of our children and generations after me.

What words of wisdom would you offer to a young black male?
To all young black males don't be afraid to show brotherly love towards one another, and lets assist each other in taking care of our children, because that's how REAL LIONS ROAR

Reginald Humphrey MSN, FNP-C

Profession: Advanced Practice Provider Parkview Hospitalist Group

One fact we don’t know about you: I was introduced to the nursing field after football injury in 1989

Why is it important to be a positive influence in our community?
Social media and entertainment has had a positive and negative influence on our community. When you see someone who looks like you, talks like you, lives in the same environment as you; it has the potential to inspire and motivate one to be their best. Our community needs role models to imitate as well as mentors.

What words of wisdom would you offer to a young black male?
No goals/wishes are achieved or realized without putting in the work. You decide what life you're going to live, by the work you put into the decision.

Foundation One

Profession: I have been a professional Barber at Unity Barber Shop since 1994.

One fact we don’t know about you: I love sleeping in a camper.

Why is it important to be a positive influence in our community?

We were created in the image of God and have an obligation to be thankful that we are alive. Being a positive influence will allow you to speak into people's lives. Being positive saves lives.

What words of wisdom would you offer to a young black male?

I would tell a young brother to ask God to send you a council of elders to help guide them and be respectful.

Dr. Khalid Griffin

Profession: Principal at Blackhawk Middle School and Lead Pastor of Redemption Church

One fact we don’t know about you: Fresh Prince of Bel-Air is my favorite show!

Why is it important to be a positive influence in our community?
When we are intentional about being a positive influence, we give others a reason to pursue their dreams.

What words of wisdom would you offer to a young black male?
It's not easy, but it is possible.

Bennie Edwards

Profession: Retired Command Sergeant Major US Army Reserve; retired Captain Fort Wayne Police Reserve; retired trainer from BF Goodrich after working 37 years; President, Martin Luther King, Jr. Club, Inc.; Executive Board member of the Charles C. Anderson American Legion Post 148; Board Member of Joshua's Hand, Inc.; and Veterans Affairs Chairperson for the NAACP Branch #3049.

One fact we don’t know about you: I love gardening, and I plant a garden each year.  Also, I love riding motorcycles and supporting my community.

Why is it important to be a positive influence in our community?
Set a positive example for the younger generation to follow. This is our community and we all have a responsibility to be a positive influence by setting a good example and giving back to our community in order to make this the best place to live and work.

What words of wisdom would you offer to a young black male?
I will share the words given to me by my Grandmother, Rosie, "you be good and the good Lord will bless you."  Also, there are three things to live by: First, do the right thing because its the right thing to do.  Second, find out what you do best and do the very best you can.  Third, treat others the way you would like to be treated and it will be returned to you tenfold.  Lastly, life is good and if it's not, do something to make it good.  Praise God!

Jay Chapman

Profession: Faithfully Fitted Auto Mobile Detailing, Business Owner

One fact we don’t know about you: Faithfully Fitted is not just the name of my business but its my ministry that allows me to connect and engage with people throughout the city.

Why is it important to be a positive influence in our community?
Being a positive influence in the community helps me build meaningful relationships. It's also an opportunity for me to invest into the next generation of leaders and entrepreneurs.

What words of wisdom would you offer to a young black male?
Follow Christ, Follow Your Passion and Expect Greatness!!!!!!

Michael Ayers

Profession: Supervisor of Jennings Recreation Center w/ Ft. Wayne Parks & Recreation

One fact we don’t know about you: I get very emotional when I see people doing God’s work by doing great things for other people.

Why is it important to be a positive influence in our community?
First given Honor and thanks to God, for if it was not for Him, I wouldn’t be able to use my craft to inspire and make a positive impact in the youth in our community today. We as Black Men have a big role in being Mentor and giving guidance to our young men in our community to help them become positive role models.

What words of wisdom would you offer to a young black male?
To keep God in their life, to honor their parents and to give back to their community

Sean Johnson

Profession: President of Allen County Young Dems, Congressional District 3 Chair, Business Consultant

One fact we don’t know about you: Youngest Black Ever Elected to Parks Board

Why is it important to be a positive influence in our community?
It’s important to be a positive influence in our community because we as black Americans do not get a 2nd chance in society

What words of wisdom would you offer to a young black male?
Advice I’d give to a young black male is learn to properly wear your hats so you can control your narrative

Ephraim "Scott" Smiley III

Profession: City Life Middle School Director (Youth for Christ)

Character & Skills Basketball INC. Founder/Director

One fact we don’t know about you: I volunteered at Pontiac Youth Center as a teenager, and that helped birth in me a desire to serve youth.

Why is it important to be a positive influence in our community?
So many of our youth, as well as young adults, are inundated with negative messages that imply 'success' is worth committing crimes and/or whatever else it takes to achieve it. Being a positive influence is essential to dispelling the myth that 'getting money' or 'the bag' is worth your life or someone else's.

What words of wisdom would you offer to a young black male?
Define what success is to you. Work at YOUR pace. Do right. Help others. Be honest with yourself and others.

Identify your passion and your gift. Use your passion and your gift to make our community better.

Matthew Brent Golden

Profession: General Contractor for Legacy One

One fact we don’t know about you: I'm the BEST spades player in the world!

Why is it important to be a positive influence in our community?
Our children do what they see and hear! If they see us working hard, working together, showing love and compassion, hearing the positive affirmation, words of encouragement, etc. they have something to pattern their lives after.

What words of wisdom would you offer to a young black male?
There's a couple of sayings that my father and grandfather would say. My father (RIH) would say "Son, make hay while the sun shines". My grandfather would say "You have more time than you have money". Both of them combined tells me: there's no excuses, to take advantage of your younger years and do the most you can while you can because the one thing we have that we won't have forever, is TIME. To the young black men that may read this, start now!  Make your relationship with God your foundation. Find what makes you happy and perfect it, make the most of it while you can. After you perfect it, START that business, leave that inheritance for your children and raise them to repeat. We can break the cycle!

Kibwe Cooper

Profession: Podcaster & Podcast Producer & Motivational Speaker

One fact we don’t know about you: I grew up singing in a family group in the church I grew up in.

Why is it important to be a positive influence in our community?
Positivity is not only important, it is a critical part of navigating life and its highs and lows. A positive attitude and outlook can often be the difference between recognizing opportunity and conceding to defeat.  Your ability to recognize and assess obstacles in order to determine a path to reaching an agreeable outcome is dependent on your mental capacity to find a positive perspective in life's varying circumstances and challenges.   

What words of wisdom would you offer to a young black male?
I would suggest that young black men detox from popular culture for just 1 week and ask themselves introspective questions about their purpose, their gifts, their talents & abilities. Learning about yourself as an individual will allow you to become more grounded and establish more intention in the way you make decisions. Mentorship and self-reflection have always been key factors in the success of many of our great black leaders, and for young black men, it is even more important that we protect and nurture our minds and spirits against the ever-present attacks on our self-identity and community consciousness.

Dominique Meriwether

Profession: The Founder of 1 Million Reps Fitness Brand (1 Million Reps is a Fitness brand that is dedicated to leading and motivating everyone to strengthen their mind and body through exercise and repetition. It is a fitness brand that is built off of exercising  the 4 core values that it represents which are Unity, Commitment, Perseverance, and Longevity. The ultimate goal is for everyone to come together collectively and add up all of their repetitions with the intention of surpassing 1 Million Reps). I have built a Gritty Culture and strategically created certain challenges, tournaments and products that will push everyone to get healthy, stronger and overall fit. The top selling product that I have created is my 1 Million Reps exercise cards that you can order off my website (

One fact we don’t know about you: I am an avid reader and have read well over 1000 books.

Why is it important to be a positive influence in our community?
I truly believe it is important to be a positive influence in the community because I have experienced first-hand so many young men choose to go down the wrong path which often leads to them making  unhealthy decisions that causes them to throw away their potential or even lose their life. I can't  stress enough the importance of being a positive influence within the community. We need more men teaching young men how to build and maintain healthy relationships and make healthy decisions by leading by example. Being positive and speaking life into these children is very important.

What words of wisdom would you offer to a young black male?
Young men I encourage you all to strive for greatness, chase your dreams and conquer your goals. There is no limit to success (never let anyone tell you the sky's the limit when there are footprints on the moon). But always understand that when you chase greatness the journey is never easy there is a process that you cannot skip. You have to give mighty effort in your work. You have to lock in and commit, there will be challenges, there will be failures. Life will throw opposition at you. You have to stay Bold and persevere!!!

Keith Edmond

Profession: Retired teacher and school administrator.

One fact we don’t know about you: I’m a huge Chicago Cubs and Minnesota Vikings fan! .

Why is it important to be a positive influence in our community?
People need to know that despite what society says, God has strategically placed individuals in the midst to inspire others.

What words of wisdom would you offer to a young black male?
I would say to pursue their passion in life with rigor and relevance.

Understand that the grind is all a part of your development and process towards success!

Todd Manuel

Profession: Digital Printer (special occasions, parties, shirts and more!)

One fact we don’t know about you: I have traveled to Ghana and plan to return soon, and I enjoy cooking.

Why is it important to be a positive influence in our community?
Because young men and women do not see a lot of positive examples of successful black, professionals that come from their own neighborhoods. Children will be what they see.

What words of wisdom would you offer to a young black male?
Find Jesus, and place everything into him!

Richard Bevelle Jr.

Profession: I’m the owner of Flawless Fades barbershop. I have a trucking company called Flawless trucking, and I have a lawn service called Flawless grass.

Why is it important to be a positive influence in our community?
It’s important to be a positive influence in our community to help better our future, push youth to go to college and use their gifts God gave them.

What words of wisdom would you offer to a young black male?
Stay focused! Find what you love and stick to it!

Glynn Hines

Profession: City Council At-Large Representative and Outreach Program Manager for Vincennes University Early College Program

One fact we don’t know about you: When I was 8 years old, I worked on John Nuckols first campaign for 1st District City Council in 1959. There had never been an African American elected to City Council and the voter turnout was 75%.

Then in 2019, after serving 20 years as the 6th District councilman, I was elected the first African American male elected to the At-Large City Council position. Finally, my fun fact is that I was the first African American high school head golf coach in Fort Wayne at Paul Harding High School.

What words of wisdom would you offer to a young black male?
Life is so short that you need to take advantage of every opportunity that is afforded to you. You need to commit yourself to “make a difference” in the lives of others. Every man can contribute to the greater good of our society. We all have skills, knowledge, and opportunities to serve. Besides my paternal father I had a few powerful role models in my life like Mr. Al Jennings Sr., Mr. Ed Elkins, Mr. John Autry and Mr. Willie Curry. Back in the day those men worked at the McCulloch Center, which is now the Jennings Center, and they taught self-discipline, how to treat women, the importance of academic achievement and of course how to compete and win athletically.

All men can volunteer at a community center like McMillen, Weisser Park, Jennings or the Boys and Girls Club. Also, we men need to register and vote in all elections, so we get people in office who have our best interest on their campaign platforms. Politically women are doing their part by registering, voting and even running and WINNING for office. In Fort Wayne, Wayne Township Trustee Austin Knox and myself are the only African American male office holders. Michelle Chambers and Sharon Tucker were elected to City Council in 2019 being the first ever African American females to ever serve At-Large and the 6th District. Sheila Campbell is serving as 1st District County Council rep and Pat Turner serving as Wayne Township Trustee board member. Finally, you have Paulette Nellums on the East Allen County school board and Rholi Booker as a Fort Wayne Community school board member.

When all is said and done people will remember you for what you did to them or for them and each day is a blessing from God and how you choose to spend your limited time is your personal choice. On your tombstone will be the day you were born, a dash and the date of your death. The question is how deep will your dash reflect your positive contributions to our society. I feel blessed to have a mural on the side of a building to commemorate my dedication to Fort Wayne but everyone can leave a positive impact in the life of at least one person. “Each One Reach One”

Ramadan Abdul-Azeez

Profession: Technology Entrepreneur and Business Owner

One fact we don’t know about you: My name was given to me by my paternal grandfather, Muhammad Ali Abdul-Azeez.

Why is it important to be a positive influence in our community?
Being a positive influence in our community is necessary for the health and growth of those observing my behavior. Truthfully, I don’t like to think in terms of positive and negative. I prefer to think in terms of effective and ineffective or acceptable and unacceptable. So, I’d like for those reading this article to understand that I’m not actually concerned with having a positive influence in our community as much as I’m concerned with having an effective influence in our community. My concern with “positive influence” is that I may do something that is positive that isn’t effective, and my observations have been that many people seem to have a positive influence in our community AND simultaneously, be terribly ineffective. The person or people observing positive behavior in our community should consider if the “positive” behavior is promoting effective improvement to the community or simply offering sustained stagnation. Stagnation in any form is simply ineffective. I would prefer that the observer witness increasingly effective and productive activity from me and others that serve to influence progressive improvements in our community.

What words of wisdom would you offer to a young black male? a. Stay out of the “justice” system. You won’t find justice there. What a Black male can be guaranteed is that the system will replace your given name with a number.

b. Don’t fight over or defend property or turf that you don’t own.

c. You are not black versions of white men, so if your appetite for the things that white men have and seek are different, you’re probably alright. But, if they are the same, then you should question why.

d. Be careful entrusting an education that is designed to enrich others more than yourself.

e. An education is something you acquire that helps to solve your problems and the place you call community. If your problems persist, you have probably been miseducated or undereducated.

f. Before you choose a profession, ask your teachers what THEIR children are studying. It might help prevent you from making an improper decision.

g. Self-defense is a natural act for many, but not the few. That is why it’s a struggle to find

Black-owned defense contractors, gun manufacturers, ammunition producers and weapons retailers.

h. Churches should be teaching families how to choose a lifetime spouse. If yours doesn’t, then you should strongly consider moving to a new church.

i. How you choose your husband or wife will determine your success in life.

j. When buying property, don’t just pay attention to what on top of the ground only; consider what is above, below, and around it. There might be future riches available for you.

k. If you don’t have a mentor or a coach, reading is the next best thing. Reading about the experiences of others is like receiving a lesson at your own pace.

l. Money typically always comes. Time runs away.

m. Time is more valuable than money, if you know what to do with your time.

n. Don’t waste your breath arguing with difficult people and talking about things that don’t matter. In the end, when you’re taking your last breaths, you’ll remember some of those arguments and discussions wishing you had not had them.

o. Politics is how to get what you want. Learn well how to manage your politics.

p. Avoid holding onto self-limiting doubts and people that try to impose them on you.

q. If I knew at a young age what an Economist, or Actuary, or Hedge Fund manager did for a living, I might have studied those subjects. No one in my family knew what those professions were, so no one discussed them. What are your planning to study.

r. Where does the children of a factory owner work, if it’s not next to you?

s. Read more!

t. What’s the point of having a mind and hands, if you can’t create with them?

u. Take a look around your neighborhood to see what you can or have improved beyond your own yard.

v. There are a lot of ways to view your life. Just don’t start looking at your life the way others do.

w. If your elders haven’t told you how to make the world a better place, ask them.

x. Children should be heard. Listen to them.

y. Black people have been marginalized in ways that do not allow them to think logically or critically. Avoid being one of these Black people.

z. Black people are the perfect consumer. We do not own the raw materials, nor do we own the means of production. We make nothing. We buy everything.

aa. Generational wealth makes money, even after you’ve passed away.

ab. What religion would you practice if your slave masters were Chinese. It’s a question of your worldview.

ac. Your enemy’s enemy never forgets you are their enemy, so don’t exhaust yourself or your resources fighting someone else’s battles. Once the battle is over, you’ll still have your own battle to win.

ad. The value of Black people has always rested in our labor. If our labor has a basis in the economy and our financial concerns continue to persist, then maybe we should spend less time on social concerns and more on economic concerns.

ae. I would prefer that before the next professional athlete take a knee, they consider taking a team.