Rev. Stewart Speaks. “If Only…”

By Rev. Dr. Lakeya Stewart
FWIS Contributing Writer
If Only I had more money…. If Only I had a bigger home, If Only I had a child, If Only I had more time, If Only the Lord would send me a spouse… Have you ever found yourself saying, “If Only…”? If you are like me, you have found yourself dreaming and daydreaming about the “If Only” moments in life. Being a mother of 3, wife, full time student, full time professor, minister, friend and active community member, I have found myself saying… “If Only I had more time….”. I have realized recently that God has given me enough hours in the day to accomplish the tasks that are needed. The problem is not that I need more time…the problem is that I need to prioritize the time that I have. I am learning that all of the “busy-ness” of life cannot enter every season of life. I must let some things go. As Christians, we must remember to Seek God first, and trust God to add all that is needed to our lives (Matthew 6:33).
Lately, I found myself complaining about what I did not have and I heard the Lord simply say, “You have enough and you are enough!” This shook me to my core. I realized then that I did not need to fill up my time with another activity, with another job, with another hobby, or with anything else. God has given me and even YOU everything that we need to endure this season of life.
Matthew 6 is my favorite chapter of the Bible. Jesus tells us in Matthew 6:28 to consider the lilies of the field that grow as they do not toil nor spin. The lilies do not worry about if the sun will shine or if the rain will come and cause them to grow. The lilies must simply exist and rely on The Source, Jesus, to meet their needs. I believe the Lord is challenging each of us today to consider our personal “If Only” thoughts. Our God is able to provide all of our needs according to His riches in glory. We have no need to worry. I hear the Lord saying, “If Only they would trust me.” Be blessed. - Rev. Stewart