Rev. Stewart Speaks! He sent me for her…

By Rev. Dr. Lakeya Stewart
Ink Spot Contributing Writer
Have you ever been going about your business as usual and you suddenly felt led to change the course of your actions? Perhaps you have been walking in your neighborhood and you decided to take a different route that day only to find a person weeping and in need of prayer. Or, maybe you were shopping in a store and you felt led to speak a word of encouragement to the cashier. Can you relate?
One day recently, I was driving home and I suddenly had an urge to stop at Dollar General. I was tired, I didn’t want to stop, but I did need ketchup. I was frustrated, reluctant, and I honestly needed to use the restroom, so I was hesitant to stop, to say the least. I stopped and I immediately noticed an African American elderly woman that reminded me of my grandma. I ran into her on the ketchup aisle and then she ended up behind me at the register. She was digging through her wallet looking for coins to pay for her milk, lunch meat, and coffee creamer. I asked her if she needed any assistance and she said, “Oh no honey, thank you, I just need to find my money!” I stood there, listened, and thought for a moment….. the sounds of her clinking coins trying to scrounge up money reverberated through my ears. At that moment, I knew why God led me to the Dollar General at that moment. He sent me there for her. I knew what I needed to do. I bought her groceries. The cost was not great, but God was just looking for obedience from me, and I knew it. She looked amazed and kept repeating “God bless you….”. I stated God blesses us to be a blessing to others. I put the groceries in her cart and left without making a scene.
I learned a valuable lesson that day. Someone’s blessing may be attached to your obedience. Living liv as Christians means we are devoted to the cause of Christ, but more specifically, we are called to share hope and the Gospel message of Jesus Christ. In this world, we have the opportunity to be the hands and feet of Christ through serving others. Serving others may look like paying for the elderly person’s groceries. It may look like blessing your server at the restaurant with more than they actually deserved. Following Christ means that we are no longer our own, but that we are agents for Christ sent on this earth to serve others. We are here for a purpose that is larger than ourselves. Where is God sending you? Be blessed.