"Why I Started Fort Wayne Ink Spot Newspaper": Publisher John P. Dortch

After John Dortch was informed that Frost Illustrated was no longer in circulation, he approached Edward Smith, Frost’s former co-publisher and owner.
“I don’t feel that we should start a paper without having a relationship with Mr. Smith. I have a personal relationship with him. We go to the same church. I have known him for years.”
Dortch and Smith both attend Turner Chapel AME Church.
“We’re standing on Edward Smith’s shoulders. He has reached many, many people with Frost,” Dortch explained. “After contacting Mr. Smith, we did the interview, and he is a strong supporter of what we’re trying to do.”
Frost Illustrated Newspaper’s lack of presence was immediately felt. Dortch acted in earnest to amend that error.
“I felt that we definitely needed a newspaper to reach the minority community.”
Fort Wayne Ink Spot will tell stories and report news across the areas of education, employment, and entrepreneurship, specifying the positive exploits of young people.
“So much has been written about black males that isn’t positive. A lot of young black males are doing great things, in the areas of entrepreneurship, making good grades. Why can’t we identity those that do?”
Health and financial issues as well as leadership and development are also concerns for Dortch.
In addition to the physical newspaper (printed and distributed bi-weekly, initially), digital stories (including original content) will be published on the paper’s website, FWInkSpot.com.
Audio and video productions can also be streamed through the website.
John Dortch, the President/CEO of the Preston Joan Group, Inc., a human resource management consultancy, is the Chief Executive Officer of the Fort Wayne Black Chamber of Commerce.
The temporary home of Fort Wayne Ink Spot is the Penta Minority Entrepreneurial Center, located at 2513 South Calhoun Street, Fort Wayne, Indiana 46807. Dortch is also President and CEO of the Penta C.S. Group.
Dortch, a published author, and is joined by Managing Editor William Bryant Rozier, Graphic Designer Adrian Williams, Administrative Assistant Latissha Williams, and Vicki Wade (Sales). All of the production staff has worked for Frost Illustrated previously.
“I couldn’t be any prouder of the good people working for me,” Dortch said. “They are the engine.”