A Beacon of Light and Laughter

By Tabitha Ervin
Of Fort Wayne Ink Spot
On Monday, December 21, Gwendolyn Martin-Barbee, best known as Gwen or Ms. Gwen tragically died when a car crashed through her home while she was sleeping. A mother of three and grandmother to eight, Martin’s tragic death has profoundly saddened many people around Fort Wayne.
Fort Wayne Police said that the 63-year-old Martin was killed when an out-of-control vehicle struck her home in the 5200 block of McClellan Street. The driver and passenger ran from the accident. As of this writing, the two remain at-large.
Outside of her family, she was known as “Ms. Gwen” to Central Brand YMCA members who came to work out in the morning over the last 25 years. She came to the central branch after working at State School and CDS.
Rather than write a summary, I talked to the people who knew her best to share their love for Ms. Gwen.
Jalyce, her daughter: She was the kindest and giving person you could meet. She opened her heart and home to anyone in need. She truly loved her life in service to others personally and professionally. She was a beacon of joy, laughter, and love for our family. She took on everyone’s problems all while enduring her own.
Amanda Fall, executive director of the Central Branch YMCA: Anyone who knows Gwen has a story about her, but anyone who loves Gwen will try to outdo the next person with an outrageous story about her. Gwen opened the Central Branch YMCA downtown Monday-Friday every day for more than the last 25 years. But she didn’t just open the Y, she commanded it. Gwen was tough and tender-hearted. Once she loved you, you had a place in her heart forever. She was old school in the best of ways, and she was one of the most honest, loyal people I have ever met.
She touched so many lives in so many ways. She sent countless cards to people who were hospitalized; they were her members, not mine. If a regular missed a couple of days and Gwen didn’t know why, you can bet she was calling them to make sure they were OK and to see if they needed anything. She cared about everyone that walked through those doors, even though she tried to hide it.
Chris Angellatta, president and CEO, YMCA of Greater Fort Wayne: Gwen was at the Y at 3:30 am opening the building and welcoming Y members from all across the city. Gwen knew all the early morning members and genuinely cared about them. I remember one time when we didn’t open the Y for a winter storm back in 2013. Gwen personally called most of the early morning members so they would avoid making the drive-in. I will personally miss seeing her smiling face when I walk into Central It won’t be the same without her.
Jen Klages, a co-worker at the Central Branch: We used to have this little old man who came in who had a tendency to fall asleep at the wheel, so she made sure that he would take a nap when he was done with his workout. There was a cot we would get out of the closet and set him up in the child-watch room to lay down for a half hour or so, so he would be able to make it home.
Leigh A. Smith, a member and board volunteer with the YMCA: Gwen was epitomized by that big and always present smile and the even bigger heart she shared with all of us. Not every part of her life was blessed, just the same she chose to live her life as a blessing to others. Rest in peace faithful and devoted servant.
Martin Pastura, former president and CEO , YMCA of Greater Fort Wayne: Gwen was a fixture at the Central Branch for over 25 years, and as others have said she had her ups and downs but the most impressive thing about Gwen is that she was a beacon of light for many who came to the YMCA. With all the strife that our country is going through about racial issues, Gwen broke barriers. I believe that was Gwen’s purpose in life. I celebrate Gwen today because she was God’s servant and focused on caring for others no matter who they were or what their background was. I would like to say that Gwen grew in many ways while working at the YMCA. She experienced hardships and joy. The YMCA Is a better organization because of Gwen.