Cydney Bridges, Our Queen!

By Tabitha Ervin
FWIS Editorial Director
On Sunday evening, January 14 as scheduled in my calendar, my ten year old daughter and I logged in online to watch the Miss America finals. The competition had not been streamed in several years and there was a local watch party in Fort Wayne where a group of local supporters gathered to watch.
My daughter participated in the Ignite Your Sparkle program this summer hosted by Cydney Bridges, our Miss Indiana and was excited to watch her! We also attended her send off party a few weeks prior at the downtown library and my daughter was excited to see her on the big stage of the Miss America finals.
We excitedly watched as I meal-prepped for the week and ran from room to room as there was also an NFL game that I wanted to see as well.
From the intro and dance to each part of the pageant my daughter and I looked on in excitement! As Cydney’s name was called in the top eleven we collectively screamed! Listening to Cydney’s on stage topic on education was incredible and her talent was amazing! Her gown was absolutely gorgeous and she walked out with so much pose and confidence, my daughter smiled from ear to ear. Then her name was called in the top five and we jumped up and down.
What a night! Cydney ended up in third place as 2nd runner up and she won Miss Congeniality which she was voted on by her peers.
I was able to briefly chat with her about the whole experience and her incredible spirit shined through our entire call.
Ervin: So tell me about that night at the finals..
Bridges: That night was very surreal. We were backstage chatting and saying “one more time” as the curtains rose and we all walked out to do the opening number! The energy in the room was so electric and as I got to my spot on stage I glanced over and saw my family on my left. They seemed nervous but I was so excited!
I had made peace with the fact that I was there to have an amazing time and I had met new friends that week. I also knew that I had done my very best!
When my name was called in the top 11, I was shocked, I couldn’t move at first then I started jumping up and down in excitement!
I was top 11 at Miss America and having the time of my life! I was so calm and just living in the moment. I knew I would never get those moments again and wanted to be fully present. I was definitely not expecting my name to be called again but here I was hearing Indiana and trying to register that it was me!
At that moment no matter what happened, I knew I was doing it for my city and my state and I wanted to make sure to inspire those who were watching! I knew at that moment it wasn’t about me and that seemed to take the pressure off.
Then it was over and I was 3rd place, 2nd runner up which I never anticipated.
Ervin: What’s next for you?
Bridges: I am not sure about the future yet but feel blessed with this new platform and will always stay connected to pageants either coaching or mentoring. I will always encourage young ladies to be themselves and channel your inner you no matter what.
As we closed our call, Cydney had just left a 12 hour shift at Riley hospital, where she is a pediatric nurse. I reflected on the impact she's had on my daughter in this short amount of time but also our Fort Wayne community as many of us were cheering her on. Throughout our conversation her humility shined brightly and she constantly complimented others, what an amazing young lady!