MLK Club Celebration When: January 15, 2018

MLK Club Celebration When: January 15, 2018

Written by Clifford F. Buttram, Jr., MLK Club, Inc. Vice-President

The MLK Club, Inc. of Fort Wayne, IN conducted the 33rd Annual Unity Day celebration at the Grand Wayne Center. This year also marked the 10th Anniversary of the Breakfast With the Clergy where over 275 participants joined with honoring our city's religious leaders.

The Unity Day Celebration changed and revamped its program through the development and execution of 13 Round Table Discussion Leaders. The first portion of Unity Day included the Mayor's Proclamation, three College Scholarship winner, three Community Service Award winners, and a musical tribute of four songs by Fort Wayne's Voices of Unity Choir. The second portion of Unity Day encompassed the Round Table leaders and their 13 different topics for citizens to listen and comment.

As usual, the celebration included local vendors and several community service health organizations (like Parkview Health), which assisted with flu shots, blood pressure checks, and general health screening. In conclusion, the 2018 Unity Day goal was change and to focus more on the public participation with Unity Day in order to honor the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Photo: Pastor Cedric Walker, 2018 MLK Club “Clergy of the Year Willie Bolden, MLK President Bennie Edwards. Voices of Unity Choir. [Photos: Courtesy]