On the Summit’s Horizon: Juwan Turner

On the Summit’s Horizon:  Juwan Turner

By Rev. Christopher W. Riley
FWIS Contributing Writer

“Leadership is not a title; it’s a calling. But it is far from easy. You don’t lead people to do something as much as you motivate them to be someone—the best version of themselves.” according to a Psychology Today article “The Secrets of Effective Leadership Development. (Gotian, Ruth August 1, 2023).

Juwan Turner has spent a lifetime developing as a leader and is seeing the fruits of his labor. He was recently appointed the Executive Director of the Jackson R. Lehman YMCA of Greater Fort Wayne. Turner is a 2012 graduate of Snider High School. He went on to complete a bachelor’s degree in marketing and management at Indiana University Fort Wayne in 2016. Turner earned a Master’s in Sports Administration at the University of Cincinnati in April of this year.

While at IUFW which at that time was IPFW, Turner worked in the Athletics Department with Ron Clark who is currently the Marketing and Development Manager at the League for the Blind and Disabled. At that time Clark was the Assistant Athletic Director for Operations, Events and Facilities.

“Juwan worked for me in athletics for 3 years. He worked as an official, then quickly became one of my student supervisors. More work, more hours, more responsibility. He did a great job helping grow the intramural program at IPFW,” said Clark.

“I asked him if he wanted to join my home event staff. He was a rockstar right out of the gate. Home event staff required a lot of patience and a great deal of customer service. He became a Home Events Supervisor after his first year. He would help get things ready for events, do promotions targeting students and season ticket holders and help with any special projects that came up. He was always looking for ways to do things better, get more fans, or create fun in-game promotions,” said Clark.

When asked, what advice would you give to 16-year-old Juwan: Do not be afraid of failure.

“Embracing failure is crucial because it serves as a significant learning opportunity, teaching valuable lessons from each mistake or setback and helping you grow and improve. Experiencing failure also builds resilience, teaching you how to cope with disappointment and bounce back stronger, which is essential for long-term success. Many innovations and breakthroughs come from learning what doesn’t work, so by embracing failure, you open yourself up to experimentation and creative problem-solving. Additionally, accepting that failure as a possibility reduces the fear associated with trying new things, encouraging you to take risks and pursue opportunities you might otherwise avoid. Ultimately, failure often reveals areas for personal growth, whether in skills, knowledge, or personal attributes, allowing you to become a better version of yourself,” said Turner.

Turner described himself as a mediocre athlete but maintained his loved for sports and recreation. He transformed that love into a career. According to the Jackson R. Lehman YMCA Instagram page, Juwan started his Y career in 2017 at the Parkview Family YMCA working frontline as Membership Services Representative and Sports Coordinator. He expanded his role to Sports Director from 2018-2023 and most recently served as Membership Director for the past year. He also served as Co-Sports Director for the Parkview Family YMCA and the Jackson R Lehman Family YMCA after the pandemic shutdown.

“During the pandemic I learned that I could do hard things: support the sports programs at two of the largest branches within the association. It was not easily done but we were able to grow membership despite the pandemic. Amid the challenge, I had fun.”

More Leadership Advice from Turner…………………………Set Goals

“Setting goals provides clear direction and focus, helping you concentrate your efforts and resources on what’s important, and preventing distractions. Goals serve as a source of motivation and inspiration, giving you something to strive for and a reason to keep pushing forward, even during challenging times. They also allow you to measure your progress, providing benchmarks to assess whether you’re on track or if adjustments are needed. Regularly setting and achieving goals encourages continuous improvement, aiding in personal and professional development. Long-term goals, broken down into smaller, manageable steps, make it possible to achieve big dreams, providing a roadmap to turn your vision into reality.”

“Juwan is an amazing leader and a great role model. He is intelligent, kind, and fair. His passion for life and the YMCA is noticeable and contagious. I look forward to the wonderful things he will accomplish over the coming years,” said Abigail Larrison, member enrollment specialist at the Jackson R. Lehman YMCA.

Turner credits his family; his mother who raised he and his brother as a single parent as well as his late Grandmother who passed away in 2019 was “one of my biggest cheerleaders” and an uncle. “My family always made sure I thrived in any endeavor.” Hence, Turner encourages one to explore various interest.

“Exploring various interests helps you discover what truly excites and motivates you, potentially leading to a career or hobby that brings joy and fulfillment. Trying new things exposes you to different perspectives and experiences, broadening your horizons and making you a more well-rounded individual. Each new interest you explore comes with its own set of skills and knowledge, enhancing your versatility and adaptability. Engaging in different activities introduces you to new people and networks, creating valuable personal and professional connections. Exploring a variety of interests also stimulates creativity, allowing you to draw inspiration from different sources and apply it uniquely to various aspects of your life. Ultimately, engaging in activities that interest you contributes to your overall happiness and well-being, providing a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction.”

“We look forward to watching Juwan's continued growth in this new role.” according to the Jackson R. Lehman Instagram Page.

“Juwan is a testament to hard work and goal setting,” says Tabitha Ervin, YMCA Chief Operating Officer. I have worked with him over the years in various capacities and anytime he’s on one of my teams or projects, I know he’s going to get his work done and do it with excellence! We are proud of him and our other new Executives and look forward to great things!”

YMCA Mission: We are a charitable not-for-profit organization whose mission is to put Christian principles into practice through programs that build healthy spirit, mind, and body for all. (YMCA of Greater Fort Wayne Website)

In June of 2017, to meet the needs of the community members on the northeast side of Fort Wayne, the Jackson R. Lehman Family YMCA was constructed. This additional YMCA offers community-members more options when choosing a local YMCA. This 70,000 square feet facility offers more than just a gym and swimming. In addition to the traditional amenities that a full-service Y offers, this location features a warm water therapy pool, and a 6-lane 25-yard lap pool which is accessible by zero depth entry ramps. Additionally, a sensory room, family changing rooms and adaptive equipment are also available. The facility layout and adaptive equipment provides recreational and social opportunities for adults and children with intellectual and developmental disabilities that may not be able to participate in traditional community health, wellness and sporting activities. (YMCA of Greater Fort Wayne Website)

Juwan Turner can be reached via email: juwan_turner@fwymca.org.