SportsKeith Edmonds

The Fit Life

SportsKeith Edmonds
The Fit Life

Fitness advocate and trainer Carla Jennings combines faith and fitness to bring success for her clients


By Keith Edmonds

Fort Wayne Ink Spot

Fort Wayne native Carla Jennings founded Fit4U in 2012 with the goal of using personal training for one-on-one clients and small group sessions. The organization was designed to build, encourage, motivate and set her clients up to become a healthier person spirit, soul and body. They offer workouts designed to get you to your healthy self, through toning, strengthening, circuit training, yoga, meal planning, accountability, motivation and fun! I recently had the opportunity to meet with Carla and find out what motivated her to start her exciting new fitness and training facility in Fort Wayne.

Q: Carla, thank you for joining me today on Unscripted. Tell me how you got your start in fitness training and what lead you to start Fit4U?

A: Thank you! This all actually goes back to me as a little girl. I come from a very large family, eleven siblings. I am the youngest. I was always sent outside to play with my brothers because it was too many girls in the kitchen (laugh). Quite naturally, I tried to do and play whatever my brothers did. Moving forward, from elementary to High school I played several sports and was passionate about dance. My dance teacher, from Southside High school Ella Jones, (who I’m still in contact with) lit a huge fire in me as I now have both a passion and bent for dance & sports. The point where the dots began to connect for me was as I was sitting in a “Dreams to Reality Seminar” that my husband (Pastor Al Jennings of Summit Church) was leading. The question was asked, “What is it you do with such a passion that you’d do it without getting paid?” Immediately my heart went to fitness. That is when I perused getting my certification as a trainer

I got my start at Jorgensen YMCA teaching group fitness, and I was with them for six years. I would occasionally move about (as a sub) working in other Y locations teaching. However, I was primarily at the Jorgensen YMCA teaching boot camps, strength & toning classes, as well as Silver Sneakers for seniors. I then began to develop a passion for personal training and doing more one-on-one with ladies. I saw how my experience in ministry, as well as at the YMCA gave me valuable insight as to how women saw themselves personally and how I could help. I saw how their whole disposition changed when they were noticed and given compliments. I enjoy motivating others, so that along with the aforementioned event, “stirred my heart” to look closer.

I then stepped away from the “Y” and landed at Heat Fitness and Sports Lab (owned by Darin Barbour) who had space available for me to develop and train my building client base. I continued using my then current certifications and added my personal training certification while at Heat. I then moved to Urban Body Yoga (then owned by John & Jennifer Wright), where I received my certification as a yoga instructor. This was like “icing on the cake” because it gave me the opportunity to do more than just fitness. It opened the door for me to train in a broader spectrum as I began working with sport teams, couples yoga and youth along with being invited to lead in community events. Coming from an athletic background, yoga has proven to be a tremendous boost for me in keeping me limber, tapping into my entire being, and allowing me to be able to move around easier at age 59.

Once I was certified in yoga, I began to pursue fitness in a different way. As the business

began to grow, I soon realized that the space that I was renting, at Urban Body Yoga,

which was such a blessing (under current owner Jamey Banowetz), could no longer

accommodate the clientele that I was bringing in and space became limited. I had to begin looking for my own space still unsure of what that would look like but I knew God had a place for me. The pursuit then started to find and relocate to something larger. This pursuit led me to the current facility I occupy at (3101 Lafayette Street, Suite 300) It’s an older building (with a great warm-up of 48 steps to climb) but works exactly for me and those God sends me. The logistics worked well with what I wanted, and what the owner of the building was willing to concede for me to do with my own additions. Prior to moving into my new facility, we were using Facebook advertising and that caused great growth. However, we took a break from the ads and the business continued to grow. Ironically, my business grew mainly by word-of-mouth and with my husband’s assistance, a strong social media presence. I’m so excited to see where we’ll go from here!

Q: Share with us some of the programs that you offer at Fi4U. What I can I expect to get as a return for my investment?

A: I have a couple of programs that I offer to the community. I’m a huge proponent of

“lifestyle” changes rather than a quick fix. I think with women, if they could put themselves on their own schedule – as most of us try to do daily – then it becomes more of a habit. I have found that it’s really a women’s nature to care and to nurture others and they do it for others more so than themselves. We invest so much in others that we forget the most important part of nurturing is ourselves. It’s not being selfish or arrogant, it’s just caring for yourself. I have a 13-session and a 12-week program that I offer. The goals are to “jump start” the couch sitter, push the plateaued person and challenge the over achiever. They will assess themselves on if they want to commit to 12 weeks. They will definitely see and experience change if they stay consistent for an entire month. Depending on what the need is, they can experience more energy, better rest, muscle growth, weight loss, etc. They will meet new friends and have fun!

The 12-week program offers a lot more in terms of meal plan, unlimited workouts, a strong accountability system and a professional photo shoot done by Le Petite Studios after they’ve completed (if they desire). They have access to a machine called an “In-Body” offered by (Complete Health in Jefferson Pointe) which breaks down their body numbers in more than weight terms. They see their BMI, skeletal muscles, and body mass in graph form so they can see where they’ve improved, and which areas that may need a little more work to attain their goals. People often think that “success” is measured only in terms of weight loss but it’s so much more than that. My clients are finding many other things are happening, like building confidence, and learning to love themselves while they are on their particular journey.

Q: So does Fit4U programs give you the confidence that you’re going to lose weight or do you need confidence coming in that weight loss is just one of the benefits of enrolling? How do you get your clientele?

A: That is a great question! What happens when they enroll in one of my programs one of the things that’s part of their set-up (CarlaJennings.Fit) online they are asked to complete a short question/questionnaire. Once that is completed, then I contact them personally to set up what I call a free “transformational consultation,” where they come in, discuss what their goals are, and then I turn the table and begin to speak to their heart. What happens is when we begin to exercise and stir up those endorphins, you’re more open to receive, more open to give, and definitely more open to listen. My feeling is that even if the individual doesn’t sign-up, she leaves better than she came. I count it a privilege to work with anyone, however, I do know that I’m not for everyone and everyone isn’t for me so let’s find that BEST fit for you.

Q: So it sounds like at Fit4U that you work on not only the “physical” aspects of your clients but the “emotional” as well. When a potential client comes to you and says, “I’ve tried everything from Noom, to Weightwatchers, to Biggest Loser what makes Fit4U any different than those?

A: I love that question! The difference is that Fit4U is me. Not that it’s about me, but no one can do you like you. That’s the difference! I’m passionate about what I do, and if I don’t think that I could fill their needs I would gladly refer them to someone else. What separates me from other organizations is that I’m not just in it for the money, that’s not what moves me.

Q: So, I come to you as a potential client and I want you to “Make me over,” how do you go about making me feel as though I’m not just another person, but you truly care about me?

A: What will happen is that I will immediately encourage that person, to understand that everyone is at “different levels” in regard to fitness and their goals. Then I share that we NEVER compare ourselves to others. Some have been with me for 4 weeks and others for over a year. The second thing that I do is small groups (8-10 but also 1-2) which are an option for that time frame, but also one-on-one is also an option. Each program is structured to meet your particular needs (with modifications if needed). The thing that I enjoy most is the “camaraderie” that is developed between the ladies. We are willing to meet each client where they are on their journey towards encouraging good form, health & fitness for each other.

Q: I know that ministry is important to you and your work. How do you incorporate your “Heart for God and of service” into your business?

A: Wow, thank you for asking that question. It’s really easy because it ties into what I do. It shows in my passion for those that I work with, because it’s who I am. It’s the platform that God has given me to do what he wants me to do. My husband is a pastor and teaching is what he does, but I’m an exhorter and love to encourage. I see Fit4U as a way to encourage. It’s so easy to love on people and encourage them towards better health. Let me help you to get better with your health, this is my purpose, and what drives me. At Fit4U, we are a fit for anyone that is willing to stick with it. We are passionate with helping women’s spirit, soul, and body and we’re interested in the community. I see the fitness industry as an opportunity to reach so many people in a positive way.