UNSCRIPTED: “STATE BOUND” is What Describes 9th Grade Sensation NADIA FORD!

UNSCRIPTED: “STATE BOUND” is What Describes 9th Grade Sensation NADIA FORD!

By Keith Edmonds
FWIS Contributing Writer

“We wanted her (Nadia) to understand that she has a ‘gift “and not just a skill that is developed, particularly in the area of track and field.” - (Herbert Ford father of Nadia Ford)

One of the toughest things to do for a high school student to do is try to juggle sports (and the demands of that) along with trying to manage your academics and keep your grades at the level that not only your parents expect, but you as a student/athlete expect as well. Time management is paramount, and consistency in your approach to it can be incredibly stressful. The school/work/play ratio has to be balanced in such a way that you don’t stress yourself out or get “burned out” from all of the demands. Now try to do ALL of this as a 9th grader at the age of 14 and you have Carroll High School's Nadia Ford who, though she may only be a freshman in high school, she has a clear understanding that her future is bright and is motivated to succeed at a prominent level.

Today, I’d like to introduce you to Nadia who is coming off a record-setting season as a track & field athlete, along with starring on the soccer field for her high school and soccer club teams. My goal is to allow her to share her remarkable journey through her 9th grade year at Carroll High School with us and learn more about what makes her the unique athlete that she is in today's UNSCRIPTED.

UNSCRIPTED: Welcome to Unscripted! Tell us a little bit about who Nadia Ford is and though you’re known as an outstanding track athlete, why do you love soccer as well?

NADIA: “I’m from Lima, Ohio and came to Fort Wayne when I was around 9 years old to play soccer for an outstanding program and track evolved from that. I can use my speed in soccer to help me with track, and vice/versa. Being successful in both allows me to keep my options open when it comes to planning for college down the road.”

UNSCRIPTED: When you take a look at soccer, it’s a pretty violent sport. Do you ever worry about being injured while playing such a physical sport?

NADIA: “I always look forward to being nudged a little, but it doesn’t bother me to play physical or have people become physical with me as long as it’s legal, I’m all for it!”

UNSCRIPTED: So, let’s talk about how your season went in regards to soccer, as I’m looking at the hardware that you have brought today from your accomplishments, it must have gone really well!

NADIA: “The season went really well! I scored a few goals and really enjoyed playing with my teammates because they’re also my friends. I play for Fort Wayne United, and we’ve been able to win the Indiana State Cup for the past 2 years! This season felt better for me than last year because I contributed more, and got better as a player. I really enjoy playing soccer, and being successful in it is one of the main reasons why I’m keeping all options open when it comes to playing soccer and running track.”

UNSCRIPTED: So, let's talk about track, you had a highly successful season as a 9th grader at Carroll high school. Are you surprised that you've been so successful this early in your high school career?

NADIA: “Entering this season, I wasn’t sure what to expect. When the indoor season started, I had a goal to run a 7.5 (60m) which I accomplished even though I didn’t think that I was running that fast! When it came to running outdoors, I wanted to run under 12 seconds in the 100m which was all I wanted to do. I kept coming close but was just missing it. I won the Sectionals and Regionals and though I feel that my times could have been faster in the Regionals, I was pretty happy how things came together during my first high school season.”

UNSCRIPTED: One of the things about being a successful athlete is having a staunch support system which you have in your family. Your Dad is here today. Mr. Ford, can you share how you keep Nadia grounded with school, playing 2 sports, and adjusting to life in high school as a whole?

MR. FORD: “This season was pretty remarkable for her mother and I simply because we didn’t know what to expect from Nadia. She’s played 2 sports from November-May, and it was a grind. Her track success was coming off of her success in soccer and though she just wanted to break the school record in the 100 initially, we knew that she would be special after seeing that early success. She has a great demeanor and is extremely coachable. We wanted her to understand that she has a ‘gift “and not a skill that is developed particularly in the area of track & field. We keep her grounded by making sure thar she remains humble. This is done by helping her develop a good relationship with God and reminding her that the gift she has is from HIM.”

UNSCRIPTED: From listening to you today, I get the impression that your school and sports community have been pretty welcoming to you and the success that you’ve had in sports. How will that help you embrace the NEXT Nadia Ford that may come along while you’re a Carroll High School?

NADIA: “Yes, everyone has been kind, and considerate which has helped me mature a lot. I would like to think that I would be very welcoming, and supportive of someone coming in that's extremely talented in my sports, but I would also look to push them to get better, like others have pushed me to get better. Hopefully, we both will improve, and the teams that we are on will improve as well. It would hopefully become a friendly rivalry.”

UNSCRIPTED: Nadia, to wrap this up please answer this 3-part question in your own way. What makes Nadia Ford...

EMOTIONAL: “When I see people that have challenges that I have not had to deal with, it makes me want to help them.”

THINK: “Trying to answer these questions because I didn’t know what to expect today!” (lol)!

SMILE: Winning! My family, my pets and continuing to be successful makes me smile.”