New Year’s Resolutions
By Jade Henry
FWIS Youth Writer
What exactly is a New Year's resolution? A new year's resolution is a promise to do something differently in the new year or anything that you plan on accomplishing in the new year. It could be as simple as giving others compliments more often, working out more, and writing out the things that need to be done in a planner. When you say you are going to do something, do not procrastinate, or make excuses. Stick to the plan and execute the plan.
Why is it important to make resolutions for ourselves? The start of a new year gives us a fresh start and a chance to make things right to better ourselves. We use an idea called self-efficacy when we make New Year's resolutions, which means that I have some control over my life if I strive for a goal and stick with it. We are at our best when we have a goal set for us to reach because then we can look forward to what we have in store for ourselves.
Maya Angelou once said "Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better." This is one of my favorite quotes from Maya Angelou because it is so true and it applies to everything in our everyday lives. I think this quote means if we know that we can make a change, why sit around and wait for something to happen? We need to take action and responsibility and make that change. Without a plan in place, how will we be a better version of ourselves? Do not hesitate to make a difference in 2023 and beyond. We owe it to ourselves to be better and do better. I am trying to find a better way to be more organized with my new planner. What about you?