Young Martin

By Jade Henry
FWIS ContributingnYouth Writer
Inspired by “The New Brownies’ Book”
Dr. Martin Luther King Sr. was married to Alberta Williams King and they are the parents of Martin Luther King Jr. When young Martin got older, he was very curious and asked questions like why he couldn't do certain things. He was born in Atlanta, Georgia and experienced racism at an early age. His main question was “Why do Black people get treated differently, and what can I do to change this?”
In April of 1944 at 15 years of age, young Martin arranged a statewide oratorical contest with the help of his teacher, Mrs. Sarah Bradley, along with his classmates. This was hosted by the “Elks Lodge” located in Dublin, Georgia. He won first place with his speech “The Negro and the Constitution” and brought the audience to their feet with tears of joy. This was just the beginning for young Martin.
Traveling from a field trip with Mrs. Bradley, young Martin encountered racism firsthand. Mrs. Bradley and young Martin were scolded by a white bus driver for not exiting their seats quickly enough as a busload of white passengers entered. Eager to return to Atlanta, the ride was uncomfortable and unjust as both young Martin and Mrs. Bradley were forced to stand the entire ninety-miles back to Atlanta, while white passengers sat comfortably. This experience prompted young Martin to actively engage in civil justice for his people.
In spite of reading at an 8th grade level young Martin became an amazing orator. Martin was accepted to Morehouse College at the young age of 15. He decided to major in Sociology and wished to be a lawyer or a physician, and he declared English as his minor. He also found inspiration from his professors at Morehouse College including the president, Dr. Benjamin Mays. On a weekly basis Martin was expected to study topics ranging from religion to racism, to the importance of education for Black men. Martin could always count on his favorite professors to encourage and uplift his work and mission.
One of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr quote that is inspiring to me is:
“We must remember that intelligence is NOT enough. Intelligence plus character is the goal of true education.” Character is what defines us.