Back To School!!

Back To School!!

By Jade Henry
FWIS Youth Writer

How do you prepare yourself to go back to school after a fun summer break? Kids need time to adjust and get back into the swing of things. In this article I will suggest some things that young people can do to help them get going by providing them a head start. Practicing reading, writing, and math can help you remember what you learned earlier in the school year and renew your brain with all of the different skills you've practiced once before. This can be very helpful because when you go back to school you will be ahead of the game! Other suggestions are as follows:

• Develop a Plan. A plan for the school year is not as difficult as it sounds. Simply having a planner can assist with keeping everything organized allowing you not to forget to complete anything that was on your “To do” list. Having a list of things that you need to accomplish can be very helpful whether it’s a list of things to do for the day or for the rest of the school year.

• Write Goals. If you write out your goals at the beginning of the school year you can see if you have accomplished them by the time the school year is over. A goal that I enjoy writing for myself is to have all A’s in every quarter. I also think about what things can I do to reach that goal? I can study more, pay close attention to the directions given, ask questions when I am unsure of something, and write down the homework assignments that I need to get done for that night.

• Set up a Homework Area. Your homework area could be your desk in your room, your bed, studying at a friend's house, or in your teacher's classroom after school. Most people prefer working and studying alone in a quiet space so that there will be no distractions while others enjoy studying with their friends or listening to music while they study. What works for some doesn't always work for others so you can try different strategies to find out what works best for you.

By using this helpful information, you can start preparing for your school year with a great head start!

Our youth writer on staff is Jade, a 9th grader headed to high school.

She is an entrepreneur with her own business called More Than Just An Art that she started when she was 9 years old. She started with making rubber band bracelets and selling them and now makes a variety of custom bracelets that she sells at events and online from her Instagram page.

She has participated in ballet with Fort Wayne Ballet since she was a small child until last year.

Her hobbies include riding her bike, making bracelets, hanging out with friends, and going out to eat. Something people don’t know about her is that she loves sushi! Her favorite color is green and her favorite food is chicken wings.

Her business page on Instagram is @morethanjustanart