YMCA of Greater Fort Wayne Trail Buddies Program Breaks Record,

Provides 261 Rides During Their Eighth Successful Season
The YMCA of Greater Fort Wayne Trail Buddies program celebrated giving a record-breaking 261 rides to individuals with diverse abilities during the 2024 season. Established in 2017, Trail Buddies provides free bike rides for those with physical disabilities or those who are unable to pedal a bike independently. The program originated at the Jorgensen Family YMCA in southwest Fort Wayne. The Trail Buddies program expanded during the 2020 season, with a second bike located at the Parkview Family YMCA and grew once again in 2023, with a third bike at the Whitley County Family YMCA. This free, inclusive program brings people together to enjoy nature and the trails, stay active and make positive social connections.
This season hundreds of individual riders benefited from the program thanks to several organizations, and many new and returning volunteers. Season highlights include participating in Trek the Trails, Fort4Fitness Spring Cycle, a group ride to Cookie Cottage, providing twenty-seven rides at the ICan Appreciation Picnic at Franke Park, and All Abilities Camp at Turnstone Center for Children and Adults with Disabilities. Riders and volunteers also enjoyed various social events, such as a pizza party, ice cream social and picnic.
On November 5th, volunteers, riders, and families gathered at Purdue Fort Wayne to celebrate the record-breaking Trail Buddies season, with over 250 rides. In the last eight years, volunteers have given out over 1,000 bike rides.
As one parent shared, “Jet has so much fun going out on rides, especially when there are a lot of people on the trail, he loves to people watch. He always returns from the rides with a big smile. We're so grateful that this program exists, and hope Jet is able to participate for many years to come.”
The YMCA of Greater Fort Wayne would like to thank Purdue Fort Wayne, Fort Wayne Outfitters, Zianos and Cookie Cottage for their generous donations for the Trail Buddies banquet. Special thanks to the AWS Foundation for their generous support and partnership. We look forward to the continued growth of this program and another season of providing free and inclusive bike rides for all in our community!
For more information about the YMCA’s Trail Buddies program or ways to be involved, contact Hannah Brooks, Adaptive Services Coordinator at hannah_brooks@fwymca.org