Clarence "CJ" Jones and CJ Custom Clothiers: It’s More than Just Clothes
By M. Todd Manuel
FWIS Contributing Writer
When he started his clothing company, Clarence "CJ" Jones was like many entrepreneurs: a little unsure, a little sure, and everything in between. However, Clarence Jones is a well-respected and well-known clothing maker in the athletic world and beyond. Clarence's background is like many minorities from large metropolitan areas; he grew up as a middle-class resident of Chicago, Illinois, playing sports and participating in other school activities. His father was a factory worker, and his mother was a nurse who exposed him to only the best. CJ gives his mother credit for her ability to put colors together and styles appropriate for each occasion.
He has made clothing for many celebrity athletes and even designed clothing for notables such as Steve Harvey, who helped him to get into rooms that helped him become the well-known designer he is today. CJ acknowledges that although he is not the only clothing maker, he has found his niche in creating a product that comes with unmatched service and an understanding of clothing that cannot be replicated.
By working with great clothing makers and developing great relationships, CJ is not just a styler but a clothing maker. CJ explains why his business and clothing services are so important: "the first thing I want to know is what event you are going to. If it's at home, you can be more casual. Is it a football or Basketball game? Is it a Monday night, Tuesday night, or Friday night game...when the world is looking at you, your entire presence is a product. " That is, clothing and what you wear is not just a choice for today but a form of communication representing who you are to the world.
Most stylists are just that; they take other designer's clothing and style them together for their clients so that they look good. But a stylist must consider where you are wearing something or how the product fits the overall environment to make someone look better than outstanding. The ability to choose and create the garment enabled CJ Clothiers to offer a service and product simultaneously. The service helps to ensure that the suit or shirt you purchase is designed for you and sends the exact message you need.
CJ also discussed how clothing in athletics impacts the children who watch the athletes and become life-long fans. Once a player sets a trend, children watch them, they become role models and youth begin imitating. Clarence explains this phenomenon using Kobe Bryant and Michael Jordan: "When Kobe Bryant wanted to be like his favorite basketball player, he went to his trainer to learn how to play like him. And guess who he went to learn how to dress? He went to his clothing maker and stylist for that too..."
Mr. Jones says that besides his most recognizable clients—the athletes and the celebrities--most of his clients –over the 28 years of business—have been ordinary people who enjoy quality, personally tailored items. These are everyday professionals who will spend money on suits that last and are made to look great. CJ Jones is a businessman who has built a brand and clothing empire based on relationships and his skill of helping others obtain the desired result. In a market in which many would have doubted he could succeed, CJ seemed to forge his own. He has over 2000 clients that purchase his elite top-of-the-line products regularly.
What seems to be an enormously successful business today, CJ Custom Clothiers, had humble beginnings. Tim Hardaway was CJ's longtime friend and supported him throughout his journey. It all started when CJ was introduced to a shirtmaker in college, which he then presented to Tim. At the time, CJ was not in business; he was trying to purchase a gift for his close friend. And when Tim showed the shirts to his teammates, everyone wanted one. The only problem is that there seemed to be an unspoken purchase requirement to get the shirt maker's attention. CJ did not believe that it should be that way, and he wanted everyone to be able to purchase just one or two shirts if they wanted to.
It was then that CJ realized that God was speaking to him. He always liked fashion and did not believe you shouldn't have to spend much money to have a great product and get exceptional service. Clarence remembers when one of his high school coaches, CJ Cox from Chicago, told clarence that he would do something with clothes because he dressed so well. And although CJ never thought he would do it, Clarence has been one of the foremost clothing manufacturers, designers, and fashion creators for the past three decades.
"It's never been about the money; it's always been about relationships," says CJ. He continued to explain that as long as God is by one's side and they are doing right by people with their talents, money will eventually come their way. "God provides for me, and so far, he hasn't let me down," said CJ. "Not a day has gone by that God has not looked out for me, provided for me, and given me exactly what I need." Learn more about Clarence "CJ" Jones and his team at