UNITY Program & Training Center Open House When: April 17, 2018

UNITY Program & Training Center Open House When: April 17, 2018

“We’ve always had a vision for programs, but never had a dedicated space [for all of that ambition],” UNITY Performing Arts Foundation Facility Director and Events Coordinator Evelyn Frierson said, referencing the nonprofit’s past. The multi-award winning, globetrotting children’s choir group can now boast its own dedicated spaces for artistic endeavors (including dance), computer & technology training, and classes for health & wellness and business development instruction.

The UNITY Program & Training Center (PTC) for youth and adults is housed on the campus of Ivy Tech at 3800 North Anthony Blvd, CC1743, down the street from its operation headquarters, located at IPFW, at 2101 East Coliseum Blvd.

The UNITY’s vision for the PTC also includes leadership training, character building classes, and empowerment speaker rap sessions.

Ivy Tech Chancellor Jerrilee Mosier, among other prominent folk, attended the open house.

For more information about UNITY’s program and training center, call (260) 755-2662 or visit the facilities at 3800 North Anthony Blvd, CC1743, Fort Wayne, Indiana 46805.