On the Summit’s Horizon: Harmony Care and Youth Support Foundation International

On the Summit’s Horizon: Harmony Care and Youth Support Foundation International

By Rev. Christopher W. Riley FWIS Contributing Writer

"Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach him how to fish and you feed him for a lifetime" said, Chinese Philosopher, Lao Tzu, founder of Taoism.

And He said to them, "Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of people." Matthew 4:18 (New American Standard Bible)

Ihuoma Anurioha and her husband, Barr Victor Anurioha are being fishers of men and women as well as teaching others to fish. The Harmony Care and Youth Support Foundation International supports the Homeless Community within the city’s population. The organization's roots are in Nigeria but it has impacted the Summit City through The Fort Wayne Rescue Mission.

The non-profit organization was founded upon love that caters to the needs of the homeless, the most vulnerable, and indigent members of society. The Foundation also organizes empowerment programs for youths and widows.

According to the Rescue Mission, Harmony Care stopped by on Christmas Day to make a generous contribution. Harmony Care started its collaboration with The Rescue Mission in October of 2021 with a donation of food and toiletries.

“Harmony Care and Youth Support Foundation International embraces a culture of giving across borders. This was not our first visit, and will definitely not be our last visit to the mission by the grace of God,” said Ihuoma Anurioha (Facebook Post, 12/29/2023).

The Core Values are The Fear of God, Transparency, Integrity and Humility. Ihuoma was inspired by her parents who set an example of servant leadership. Ihuoma’s Father passed away in November of 2020 but was a trustee for Harmony Care prior to his death. Ihuoma’s mother is the catalyst of what brought the family to Fort Wayne.

“We were looking at a place where my Mother would be well-settled. She was struggling after my Dad’s death. Pastor David Edward Ejah was a friend of the family and he was instrumental in my Mother’s transition to the Summit City. She has helped with the initiative at the Fort Wayne Rescue Mission.”

“I had the full support of my husband who is also an attorney to launch Harmony Care. He said, let’s do it!” He and I met in 2000 and married in 2010. We are blessed with 5 children.

Harmony Care has sponsored career camps, sex education and counseling sessions in Nigeria. The organization has taught widowed women to launch liquid soap making businesses to support their children.

Ihuoma is currently in the final semester of an internship at the Holy Grounds Homeless Shelter in West Palm Beach. “Nigeria does not have these types of services in place for young women and girls, and I would love to see this done back home in Nigeria.”

Harmony Care is looking to collaborate more with The Fort Wayne Rescue Mission and other organizations in the Summit City. You can follow Harmony Care and Youth Support Foundation International on LinkedIn and Facebook.