On The Summit’s Horizon: Dr. Verleaish Jones

On The Summit’s Horizon: Dr. Verleaish Jones

By Rev. Christopher W. Riley
FWIS Contributing Writer

“The students in northeast Indiana are lucky to have someone as passionate as Dr. Jones in their corner,” says Dr. Kim Barnett-Johnson, Chancellor of Ivy Tech Fort Wayne and Warsaw. “Not only is she knowledgeable about the 21st Century Scholars program, but she also champions the students throughout their high school career. Her work is changing lives every day by helping students open the door to an education that may have been otherwise inaccessible to them.”

Since its creation over 30 years ago, Indiana’s 21st Century Scholarship program has helped tens of thousands of Hoosiers earn a college degree. The Scholarship is one of the state’s best tools for increasing college access, affordability, and attainment. Now, after historic legislation was signed into law, Indiana can automatically enroll all eligible students into the 21st Century Scholarship program. In 2022 prior to automatic enrollment, our state only enrolled about 20,000 students, less than half of those eligible. On June 30, 2023, Indiana enrolled all eligible eighth-grade students, exceeding 40,000 Scholars. That work makes a difference. Across all races and ethnicities, Scholars enroll in college at significantly higher rates than their peers. Eighty-one percent of Scholars enrolled in college after high school graduation compared to the statewide average of 53 percent. The 21st Century Scholarship is life-changing for many Hoosier students, and incredibly valuable to our great state. (Indiana Commission on Higher Education)

"Dr. Verleaish Jones is a servant leader whose longstanding tenure and affiliation with the Indiana Commission for Higher Education has been dedicated to improving college access with Hoosier students and families,” said Indiana Commissioner for Higher Education Chris Lowery. “During her time at the Commission, Dr. Jones was part of the initial group to inform Hoosiers about the 21st Century Scholarship when it launched in 1990. She is a tremendous asset to our state and has built a lasting legacy."

Jones fondly recalls the early days of Scholars where many of the processes were paper and pencil. Applications had to be signed by parents and Jones would go to their jobs and get required signatures during lunch breaks and shift changes. The guidance counselors were also mandated to verify free and reduced lunch eligibility of students. In addition to these processes being automated, there are other rules and regulations that have been added to the program such as 30 credits hours earned each academic year to maintain eligibility. “We expect everything to evolve, nothing stays the same. As the program grows, how can we make it more successful and set some goals along the way.” said Jones.

In response to the new requirements, Jones created a Scholar Success Day which is an annual event designed to support high school students within the 13-county-region to setup a Scholar Track account and complete the required activities to receive the scholarship award. Jones considers this as one of her greatest accomplishments in the role and a part of her legacy within the Program. Prior to COVID-19 the Scholar Success Day yielded a record-breaking attendance of 1,700.

“While leading 21st Century Scholars in northwestern Indiana we traveled to Fort Wayne for a college visit. Unfortunately, the bus broke down, but the hospitality shown by Taylor University was par none and we fell in love with the institution. My late husband and two of our sons became students at Taylor. I became an employee, serving as the Assistant Director and later Director of the Samuel Morris Scholars Program.” said, Jones.

One of Jones’ former Taylor students Rev. Arthur Wilson who is a ministry advancement specialist with Youth for Christ, USA and assistant pastor at Imani Baptist Temple of Fort Wayne said, “Since I met her on the campus of Taylor University Fort Wayne, the vision I perceived for my life changed in ways that I thought were unimaginable.”

When asked about her current role as the Senior Outreach Coordinator for the Northeast Region Jones shared, “I like what I do. I get to work with all students. As educators it is important to share the “why” with students so that he/she understands the relevance.”

Cicelle Beemon who is currently a program assistant in the Women’s Center at Purdue Fort Wayne recalls working alongside Jones during her tenure as a 21st Century Scholars Support Specialist at IPFW. “She is a formidable leader who recognizes the strength and determination of those around her, and she’s adept at harnessing that collective energy to achieve strategic goals.” It was a rewarding experience learning from Dr. Jones.”

Wilson describes Jones as an inspirational challenger. “She would not allow me to fall victim to the traumatic circumstances of my life. She understood that the sky would be the limit if I trusted and adopted God’s vision for my life. I’m forever grateful for Dr. Jones’ belief in me and to a greater extent, her confidence in how God could use me. The positive investments I attempt to make in the lives of young adults are attributed to the consistency and wisdom she deposited into me,” said Wilson.

Jones holds two Bachelor of Arts Degrees in History and Theater from Indiana University. Despite being an introvert, Theater was Jones’ passion. Her favorite roles include Walter Lee and Mama from Lorraine Hansberry’s Rasin in the Sun. When asked about the switch to a Master of Science in Advanced Leadership and Management from Indiana Wesleyan, she shared, “I don’t see business as brick and mortar, I see business as the process of getting a student across the graduation stage. Perhaps we can save a life academically. My business is how can you support me in the endeavor of saving this student’s journey.” Jones holds an Ed.D. in Organizational/Educational Leadership from Oakland City University in Oakland City, Indiana.

Jones is a past recipient of the Sagamore of the Wabash Award which is bestowed upon a Hoosier by the Governor of Indiana for distinguished service to the state or the governor.

“The renowned Canadian author, speaker and success coach Bob Proctor once said, “A mentor is someone who sees more talent and ability within you that you see in yourself and helps bring it out of you. When I consider this statement, Dr. Verleaish Jones comes to mind. said, Wilson.

For more information about Twenty-First Century Scholars, you can contact Dr. Jones via email and visit the websites listed below:


CHE website: https://www.in.gov/che/

Learn More Indiana website: https://learnmoreindiana.org/

Learn More Indiana Outreach-Northeast Region: https://learnmoreindiana.org/contact/#remote-ue-item-3