Prematurity Awareness Month Highlights Alarming Preterm Birth Rates in Allen County

By Paige Wilkins
Chief Executive Officer, Healthier Moms and Babies
November is Prematurity Awareness Month, a time to shine a global spotlight on the pressing challenges of maternal and infant health across the United States, including right here in Allen County. Each year, 1 in 10 babies are born prematurely in Allen County, a staggering figure that highlights the urgent need for greater awareness and action. The March of Dimes recently issued their 2023 Prematurity Report Card, showing Indiana with a preterm birth rate of 10.9% and a grade of D, while Allen County scored an alarming F, with a preterm birth rate of 11.6%.
Healthier Moms and Babies, a local organization whose mission is to prevent infant mortality and improve the outcome of pregnancy is dedicated to supporting the highest-risk and most vulnerable women in our community, received a score of A. Women who participated in
Healthier Moms and Babies’ programs experienced a significantly lower preterm birth rate of 7%. This success demonstrates the powerful impact of their programs that address the unique needs of our community’s highest risk mothers.
“Prematurity is the leading cause of infant mortality across the country and in Indiana, including Allen County,” said Paige Wilkins, CEO, Healthier Moms and Babies. “Prematurity Awareness Month serves as a vital reminder of the work that still needs to be done to ensure every baby has the best possible start.”
The challenges faced by mothers and infants are not limited to biological factors; systemic disparities play a significant role. Black women are 62% more likely to experience preterm births compared to other groups, with deep-rooted structural racism and healthcare inequities directly affecting outcomes for these mothers and their babies. These disparities contribute to the United States’ high preterm birth rate, which has reached a 15-year high, affecting over 370,000 babies born too soon each year.
In Indiana, programs like Healthier Moms and Babies play a crucial role by providing support to those at highest risk for poor birth outcomes. Their work helps ensure that more babies celebrate their first birthdays by offering resources and support to expectant mothers, encouraging full-term pregnancies, and reducing the rate of preterm births.
To prevent preterm births, it’s essential for pregnant women and those planning a pregnancy to take steps to protect their health and the health of their future children.
Healthier Moms and Babies encourages women to:
• Learn the signs of preterm labor and seek help if they experience any symptoms.
Timely treatment may stall labor, giving babies critical time to develop.
• Schedule a preconception checkup to ensure their bodies are ready for pregnancy,manage preexisting health conditions, and reach a healthy weight.
• Eat nutritious foods, stay active, and maintain regular prenatal care, as these steps contribute to both physical and mental well-being during pregnancy.
While Indiana has made strides, such as expanding Medicaid to improve access to prenatal care, additional measures are needed. Implementing Paid Family Leave and developing a Medicaid reimbursement policy for home visiting programs and doula services would expand the reach and sustainability of programs like Healthier Moms and Babies, enhancing the
support available to expecting mothers and families.
This Prematurity Awareness Month, Healthier Moms and Babies encourages the community to take action. Together, we can work to ensure healthier pregnancies, stronger families, and a brighter future for all babies in Allen County.
About Healthier Moms and Babies Healthier Moms and Babies provides programs, resources, and education to Northern Indiana’s
most vulnerable families with the goal of reducing infant mortality and improving the outcome of pregnancies in our community. Visit for more information.