March for Our Lives Rally When: March 24

March for Our Lives Rally When: March 24

The March for Our Lives rallies held across the country has been described as the largest youth-led protests since those organized to oppose the Vietnam War. Homestead and Canterbury High students led the Fort Wayne-rally, held on the front lawn of the Allen County Courthouse.

The message sent across the simultaneous marches called for stricter gun control measures.

Homestead High School sophomore Nana Agyeman was one of the speakers. “Residents of inner cities have become numb to the sound of gunshots. Present day music and media have glamourized gun possession. And schools now practice barricading doors and escaping through windows,” Agyeman said, reading from a prepared speech.

“The United States has had more mass shootings than any country in the entire world but claim to be the most advanced.”

The Journal Gazette contributed to this article.

Nana Agyeman, Homestead sophomore, speaking at the March for Our Lives Rally