Tis The Season!

By Jade Henry
FWIS Contributing
Youth Writer
It is hard to believe it’s December already! Soon we will all wonder what happened to 2024. This by far is my favorite time of the year. The people seem to be nicer, the cocoa seems to taste better, lights are brighter, the snow is magical, and the break from school/work is welcomed. Christians celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, who is regarded as the Son of God. Although the Bible never mentions the actual birthdate of Jesus, we have chosen to celebrate December 25th as an important day in our faith. We relate this joyous occasion with themes of love, generosity, and hope. Tis the season!
Christmas also allows us time to get-together with family and friends. Some travel near and far to reminisce childhood memories and create new traditions. This year my family from Nashville came for Thanksgiving and in December my family will travel to Nashville to celebrate my cousin’s 5th birthday. I am beyond excited to be able to see them in November AND December. When gathering, remember to take family pictures so you can look back and remember all the fun you had while spending time with the people you love most. This is the perfect time to listen and learn from our Elders who give us so much wisdom about our family history. A perfect opportunity to video/record those stories that will mean so much as we advance in age. Tis the season!
Create a family tradition to give back to those who may not have a family, serve food at a local shelter, and/or make a monetary donation to an organization. The Bible reminds us that, “too whom much is given, much is required” (Luke 12:48). My favorite charitable memories are making ornaments and delivering them to the pediatric unit at a local hospital and making gift bags of crossword puzzles and taking them to a local nursing home. Plan now to establish family memories to pass it forward. Tis the season!
Goodness, kindness, and compassion are at the heart of the Christmas season. This may be one of the most important indicators of why people are more inclined to donate to those in need during the holiday season. What brings me the most joy is seeing other people happy! What will you do this holiday season? How will celebrate this year? This Christmas be mindful of what good deeds you will do for others. The Bible says, "Let your light shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven" (Matthew 5:16).
Tis the season!